Spring Programming at Golfuture YYC

I am excited to announce the launch of the Adult and Junior Group lesson registration at Golfuture YYC, especially with the continued efforts of Kate Griffiths! She was a junior golf rockstar last year and I expect this year to be no different. It takes a lot of discussion, organization and coordination to design a year-long academy calendar, and this year will be one of the best.

I am currently not teaching (or assigned to teaching) any classes this year, either Adult or Junior. This is so I can fill in for any possible absenteeism of an instructor (Covid…), and so I can add to the offering if there is demand. A third reason, is to create specialty 1-day golf schools for Putting, Power, and a variety of Corporate Clinics.

If you’re curious about booking a golf session for your company, know that it’s a great experience and a great alternative to a full ‘corporate golf tournament’ We have activities for all levels of player, and typically a lower cost/time commitment when compared with a regulation course golf tournament.


Grizzly Ultra 50km


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